If you are looking for something completely integrated and tailored to your specific needs, then my 1:1 integrated coaching is a perfect step for you.

The symptoms you are experiencing most likely didn’t happen overnight.
That fatigue and exhaustion, the bloating, the weight gain, low libido, hormonal imbalances, poor relationship with name it.
This is the reason why when working with me, we dig deep to find the route cause of your health issues, taking a broad approach and considering lifestyle and emotional factors.

Change takes time hence why a one-off consultation and ‘check-in check-out’ approach might be a waste of your time.

The best way to optimise the benefits of nutritional therapy is to address your symptoms and goals one by one, without overloading the system and allowing to implement sustainable, long term changes.

As we know, the gut-brain connection plays a crucial role in our wellbeing and this is why I have created the Nourished Gut & Mind Method, where we work on your mind and the gut to regain the awareness of this connection, improve its strength and create an equilibrium so you can life a healthy & nourished life.




Prior to your first session, you will be asked to complete a questionnaire including a detailed health history and a 3-day food diary. This information will allow me to prepare for our consultation and ensure the time spent discussing your case is utilised to the maximum.


The initial consultation will last approximately 1.5hrs during which a detailed discussion will take place taking into account your family history, dietary habits, digestive function, general health and any medical conditions you may have.

This is the time when we really dig deep in order to get to the root cause of your health issues, covering lifestyle and emotional factors in a total 360 approach.

After our consultation, I will create a bespoke Nutrition and Lifestyle plan altered specifically to your goals and needs. I might also recommend functional testing and/or a referral to your GP if I think it is appropriate.


A lot can be achieved with an in depth consultation and food analysis in order to create a bespoke nutrition and lifestyle plan. However, for some clients I may recommend external testing, such as blood and stool testing, to understand how you are absorbing nutrients from food, evaluate your gut health i.e. whether you have any parasites or bacteria, or to find out any other underlying causes of your symptoms.

*All testing is optional and not included in the price, however, it can be an extremely helpful tool in providing the best treatment possible. 

Clients will be referred to their GP for diagnosis and treatment should their tests return abnormal results.